Knutsen Philippines Inc. | Manning Agency For International Shipping

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Units 1006B, 1007B, 1008B, and 1009B
10th Floor, East Tower of 8912 Asean Avenue Building,
Asean Avenue, Aseana City, Parañaque City, PHILIPPINES 1701

24/7 Emergency Number:
(+47) 5286-5480

  • Careers
    Photo by: Knutsen Group

The corporate history of Knutsen OAS Shipping ("KOAS") dates back to over a century. Since then, it has come to be recognized today as an operator of the most sophisticated and modern fleets of purpose-built shuttle tankers, LNG, chemical carriers, and product tankers worldwide. KOAS has the world's largest fleet of purpose-built DP class shuttle tankers, including the world's largest shuttle tanker vessels.

KOAS is also at the forefront of pioneering vessel technology, chief among them being the introduction of the patented KVOC® system for reducing volatile organic compound emissions during loading and transport, and the development of PNG (Pressurized Natural Gas) carriers and the development of Ballast Water Treatment Technology (KBAL).

  • Sea-based

    We are looking for the following sea-based positions:

    COMPAS Seafarer Application

    For more information and to send your application, please click Read More.

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  • Office-based

    We are looking for the following positions:

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Telephone Number: (+632) 8-527-8556

24/7 Emergency Number: (+47) 5286-5480


Knutsen OAS Shipping

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